Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Pre-greek placenames and words in greek

the following placenames are supposed to be pre-greek.
Achelos/Akheloos;related to thracian achel`water'
Corinthos;possibly related to indo-european *ghor;horde
Ephesos;possibly related to an Indo-european word meaning bee cf. Apis
Ilissos;might be related to ilium;old name for Troy
Kifissos;possibly related to the word meaning head
Labraunda; related to labyrinth
Larissa;means citadel
Lekabettos;leks might mean light/white
Parnissos/parnon;may be related to Hittite word meaning house
Tiryns;could it be related to Indo-european *dhgerem `earth'

The following words are pre-greek
Labyrinth;believed to be related to luwian labrys`double headed axe from *dabyrinth